Point to Him
Know the Savior Jesus Christ as a reflection in water then in person

Uncommon Answer

The problem is ancient and widespread. All have fallen short of the glory of God.

How vague and elusive is this truth?

Who has the glory of God that they should be counted worthy?

Who has the nature of God that they should not be denied?

Who has the mind of God that they shall not fail?

Who has the life of God that they should not perish?

Who has the presence of God that they should be recognized as flawless?

What depth does one have that they should be an unending reservoir?

The glory of God is complete. It is Holy. It is divine holiness. It is without measure and unending. He is utterly uncommon.  He is the uncommon answer to our common nature.

We are born unique, created in His image from the beginning. We are meant to be His treasure, the apple of His eye, chosen, never forgotten, always loved without measure. Most assuredly we are meant to be redeemed from our common fall to be translated into his Glory. He has called us to abide in Him, and Him in us.

He is the only one, Christ Jesus who is our savior.  He is the only begotten of the Father.  He is the one who is uncommon.  He was raised from the dead and glorified.  He has called us into His glory.

  1. Accept one’s humanity and with great humility ask for His grace and forgiveness. I work on this ALL THE TIME!!

  2. This article is awesome! Beautifully written, spiritually deep & meaningful! I pray many will read it & allow it to touch & penetrate their hearts. It is a message the world needs in this unprecedented season when there are so many questions being directed at God.

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